The first challenge of Team Polar is focused on Antarctica, where there is an extreme amount of untapped potential research that can be done. Currently, the infrastructure is unsuitable to meet the researchers' requests, because it is too expensive and inefficient. Team Polar has the vision of an alternative solution to this infrastructure: a new, innovative rover for Antarctica. A vehicle that can meet the needs of the researchers and start to extract the untapped potential, while also making the infrastructure cheaper.
After more than a year of planning and prototyping Team Polar's first working prototype, the Ice Cube was made. To test the vehicle the team found a location that resembled the conditions in Antarctica: Trondheim, Norway. A team of 12 members set out to test how our prototype performs in snow and ice.
The Ice Cube is just the first step towards our goal of a sustainable, autonomous vehicle, and thus we are already working on designing our next, improved version of the research rover. The Ice Cube is built mainly with off-the-shelf components and our main purpose with this vehicle is to develop and test our autonomous driving system. As of now, this prototype is remote-controlled.